Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When are credits reduced from the account balance?

If you commited money to a task and mark it as "not done", then the corresponding amount will be deducted from your account. For weekly activity goals, if you log less than the targeted hours in the time tracking section until the last minute of the week, and if you commited money to the goal, then money for the missing time will be deducted. You can edit past tasks in the history section and also modify tracked time of the past weeks if needed.

Can I not commit any money at all?

Yes you can use the app and always put in 0 credits for all goals.

How much credits should I commit?

That Depends on yourself and also on how much the money is worth to you in your region. From our experience using the app (in Germany), 10 EUR (roughly 10 USD) is a very strong motivator that can effectively change your mind for the better in the moment when you need to follow through on your plan. But often 1 EUR is enough as well. It can also be helpful to commit only 1 cent. The fact that you do commit money formalizes the contract with your future self and can already improve your outcome. Often people are overconfident and later on regret commiting too much money. We recommend that you set your goal requirements very low at first and to also commit only small amounts of money and then increase the goals / commited money later on.

Contacting Us

If you have any unaswered questions, please email